Dangerous Goods Specification

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  • Dangerous Goods Specification
image 1.1 Substances & Articles which have a mass explosion hazard UN 0076 Dinitrophenol 1.1D
image 1.2 Substances & Articles which have a projection hazard but not a mass explosion hazard. UN 0328 Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile 1.2C
image 1.3 Substances & Articles which have a fire hazard and either a minor blast hazard or a minor projection hazard or both, but not a mass explosion hazard. UN 0247 Ammunition, incendiary 1.3J
image 1.4 Substances & Articles which present no significant hazard. UN 0337 Fireworks 1.4S (Pyrotechnic articles designed for entertainment)
image 1.5 Very insensitive substances which have a mass explosion hazard. UN 0482 Substances, explosive, very insensitive 1.5D
image 1.6 Extremely insensitive articles which do not have a mass explosion hazard. UN 0486 Articles, explosive, extremely insensitive 1.6N
image 2.1 Flammable gases UN 1001 Acetylene, dissolved Heating will cause a pressure rise with risk of bursting, explosion and fire.
image 2.2 Non-flammable, non-toxic gases UN 1066 Nitrogen, compressed Heating will cause a pressure rise with the risk of bursting.
image 2.3 Toxic gasses UN1017 Chlorine Heating will cause a pressure rise with risk of bursting and toxic.
image 3.1
Flammable liquids, division into groups
according to flashpoint from -18° to +61° C.
3.1 1090 Acetone Flp. = .20°C
3.2 1294 Toluene Flp. = +7°C
3.3 1263 Paint Flp. = +32°C
Risk of fire and explosion by escape from gases
image 4.1 Flammable Solids UN 1338 Phosphorus, Red risk of fire.
image 4.2 Spontaneously combustible UN1384 Sodium Dithionite Risk of fire. React violently in contact with water
image 4.3 Dangerous when wet UN1402 Calcium carbide. React violently in contact with water
image 5.1 Oxidizing substances UN 1456 Calcium Permanganate. Substances promote combustion
image 5.2 Organic peroxides UN3106 Organic peroxide, Type D, solid Dibenzoyl Peroxide, Risk of explosion and fire ; protection for intensive warming, shock and friction.
image 6.1 Toxic substances UN1547 Aniline. Toxic if swallowed, by skin contact or by inhalation.
image 6.2 Infectious substances UN3291 Clinical waste, unspecified, high community risk are micro organisms that cause severe human or animal disease.
image 7 Radioactive materials, cat. I UN2981 Uranyl Nitrate, solid Schedule 5
image 7 Radioactive materials, cat. II UN 2976 Thorium Nitrate, solid Schedule 6
image 7 Radioactive materials, cat. III UN2979 Uranium Metal, pyrophoric Schedule 10
image 8 Substances & Articles which have a mass explosion hazard UN 1779 Formic Acid. Contact with a relatively small quantity of water creates violent reaction and other dangerous substances
image 9 Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles UN 2211 Polymeric Beads, expandable; Risk of fire. Inhalation of harmful substances. In risk of fire formation of extreme toxic or water pollutant.
image Marine Pollutant , MP Marine pollutants are regulated of the requirements by IMO. The marine pollutant mark should be placed adjacent of the dangerous goods label.
image Fumigation warning sign Marking of units which are carried under fumigation. Warning signs are fitted on the container door. Do not enter this cargo unit.